4 products
  • Alberta Canadian Blended Rye Whiskey 750ml

    An explosive taste that is bold with its own unique earthy character, made with 100% Canadian Prairie Rye and aged for a minimum of 5 years, Alberta Premium is the original 100% rye.

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    Alberta Cask Strength Rye Limited Edition 750ml

    Alberta Premium Cask Strength named “World Whisky of the Year” by Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible 2021 TORONTO, September 16, 2020– Alberta® Premium Cask Strength has been named “World Whisky of the Year” by Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible 2021. Made and distilled in Calgary, Alberta, the spirit boasts 100% prairie rye…

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    Please Call for Details, or add this item to your cart if you have already prearranged a Priority Shipment with Universal Fine Wine and Spirits.

    In stock (75)

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    FedEx Priority Shipping

    Please Call for Details, or add this item to your cart if you have already prearranged a Priority Shipment with Universal Fine Wine and Spirits.

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