Alexander Valley

5 products
  • Alexander Valley Vineyard 2019 Alexander Valley Zinfandel 750ml

    This wine has great color, with a dark purple and red hue. There are spicy, earthy aromas of black cherry, black pepper, plum, raspberry and a touch of citrus. The 2018 Zinfandel is a spicy wine with rich earthy flavors of black cherry, plum, black pepper, apricot and a hint…

    In stock (10)

  • Alexander Valley Vineyard 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon Sonoma County 750ml

    Aromas of dark fruit, blackberry, cherry, cassis, plum, vanilla and a slight cocoa and chocolate note. In the glass there are rich flavors of plum, cherry, cassis, blackberry, spice and chocolate. This is a smooth wine with medium body, nice balance and a long finish.

    In stock (32)

  • Alexander Valley Vineyard Sonoma County 2022 Cabernet Franc 750ml

    The 2022 Cabernet Franc is a dark purple, ruby colored wine with aromas of black cherry, plum, blueberry, vanilla and a slight floral quality. There are juicy flavors of plum, black cherry, cranberry, vanilla, blueberry and cassis. This is a silky wine with balanced acidity along with long textured finish.

    In stock (12)

  • Alexander Valley Vineyards 2019 Alexander Valley Syrah 750ml

    Deep purple wine with rich aromas of plum, violets, black cherry, vanilla, boysenberry and oak. The vintage is a classic with flavors of blackberry jam, black cherry, plum, white pepper and vanilla. In a nod to its Rho^ne heritage, our Syrah has a slightly meaty quality along with the classic…

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  • Alexander Valley Vineyards Sonoma County 2020 Merlot 750ml

    Merlot from the Wetzel Family Estate has a reputation for being a big, structured wine. First produced in 1984, this has never been one of those fruit bombs or thin and wimpy wines. The western drought continued in 2015 and was once again the topic of much discussion. A cool…

    In stock (1)
