
4 products
  • Tequila Ocho Single Estate Plata Tequila 750ml

    Sweetly floral nose with extra ripe agaves and candied fruit presenting themselves. Citrus, cinnamon, dried fruit and almond on the palate with a lingering hint of spearmint on the finish.

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  • Tequila Ocho Single Estate Reposado Tequila 750ml

    Founded by tequila expert & restaurateur Tomas Estes and third-generation Master Distiller Carlos Camarena, Tequila Ocho was created to express the purest agave flavor possible. The world's first single-estate, single-field tequila is made using traditional, sustainable, additive-free methods that celebrate the terroir of our Jalisco highlands home. Tequila Ocho’s Reposado…

    In stock (1)

  • Widow Jane Baby Jane Blend of Straight Bourbon Whiskeys 750ml

    Get ready to meet your new favorite bourbon Widow Jane Baby Jane Bourbon. This isn’t just any bourbon, it’s a taste revolution from Widow Jane Distillery that’s been handcrafted with passion and precision. Baby Jane Bourbon starts with our own heirloom corn, lovingly named "Baby Jane." This corn isn’t just…

    In stock (6)

  • Widow Jane The Vaults Aged 14Yr Blend of Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    For our fourth Vaults project, we had the luxury of blending barrels from our stocks of up to 20 year old casks. The Vaults is a unique series: exceptional & mature whiskey, rebarrelled in new cooperage. When distillate is barreled, it is young and wild. After a decade and half,…

    In stock (3)
