
4 products
  • Amaras Espadin Reposado Mezcal 750ml

    Amarás Reposado grants you entrance to the world of mezcal with its smooth and mellow notes. Handcrafted using the same fine agave Espadín, only this time, it's matured in our barrels carved from 2 different types of Oak. During this process, it shades into an elegant, light-tanned and natural amber…

    In stock (5)

  • Amaras Logia Cenizo Mezcal 750ml

    Amaras Logia is made with wild maguey Cenizo (Agave durangensis) that takes 14 years to reach maturity. This mezcal is traditionally produced in a conical stone oven that is made with volcanic rock. The agave are roasted with huizache and mesquite wood. The cooked agave are then milled by hand,…

    In stock (3)

  • Amaras Logia Limited Edition Azul Mezcal Artensanal 750ml

    Amares Logia Azul Mezcal is crafted with 100% agave from the heart of Oaxaca, Mexico. Grown at 6000 ft. above sea level, this mezcal is distilled and aged in oak barrels for a minimum of two years, resulting in a unique flavor and smooth finish. Enjoy the smooth smokiness and…

    In stock (3)

  • Amaras Verde Mezcal 750ml

    Mezcal Verde Amarás is a gamechanger, inviting new consumers into the mezcal category through a disruptive proposal. It is a high-quality mezcal that respects Amarás' holistic cycle “From seed to Sip”, crafted with the same artisanal methods using 8-year-old agave Espadín. 40% Alc. Vol. The labels that you see here…

    In stock (4)
