American Vintage

3 products
  • American Vintage 2018 California Red 750ml

    Rich, dark fruit flavors of blackberry, black cherry, and plum are complemented by black fig and a hint of bramble.  This is a bold wine with a long, smooth finish.

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  • American Vintage 2020 Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Dark red fruit flavors with vibrant notes of cocoa and freshly cracked white pepper.  The layered flavors are balanced by fine-grained tannins and a satisfying finish.

    In stock (1)

  • American Vintage 2020 Sonoma County Chardonnay 750ml

    Layered flavors of marzipan and mango are balanced by bright citrus notes and a touch of vanilla that lead to a soft and creamy finish.

    In stock (8)
