
3 products
  • Antinori 2019 Pian Delle Vigne Rosso di Montalcino Sangiovese 750ml

    Pian delle Vigne’s Rosso di Montalcino offers to the eye a lively ruby red color. The nose is characterized by such ripe red fruit as plums and red currents, sustained by pleasurable sensations of dog roses and Mediterranean herbs, sage and origan. The palate is vigorous and fresh with silky…

    In stock (2)

  • Antinori Tenuta Guado al Tasso 2022 Il Bruciato Bolgheri 750ml

    An opaque purple blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Syrah, the 2022 Il Bruciato is luxurious with notes of blackberry liqueur and some blue fruit coming through along with notes of violets, olive, and black licorice. Full-bodied, with a weightless and seamless feel, it has no harsh edges and offers…

    In stock (28)

  • Marchesi Antinori Tignanello 2021 Toscana Red 750ml

    Tignanello is the original Super Tuscan. This world-renowned wine was the first Sangiovese to be aged in small oak barrels, the first Italian red wine in modern times to use a non-traditional grape variety (Cabernet) in the blend, and among the first Italian red wines made in Chianti appellation with…

    In stock (12)
