Beaulieu Vineyard

4 products
  • Beaulieu Vineyard Napa Valley 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

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  • Beaulieu Vineyards Rutherford Napa Valley 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Rutherford is the heart of Napa Valley and home to Beaulieu Vineyard. For more than 20 years, winemaker, Jeffrey Stambor, has crafted our Cabernet Sauvignon, which defines the unique expression of our Rutherford vineyards with rich dark berry and cocoa, accented by well-integrated oak spices for a long finish. This…

    In stock (8)

  • Tapestry by Beaulieu Vineyard 2022 Paso Robles Red Blend 750ml

    Tapestry Red Blend bursts with aromas of ripe blueberry and blackberry with hints of sage, lavender, and cedar. Rich and smooth on the palate and balanced by structured tannins and fresh acidity, enjoy Tapestry with pasta, cheese, red meats... or any time you’re celebrating with friends and loved ones.

    In stock (14)

  • Tapestry by Beaulieu Vineyard 2023 Central Coast Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Tapestry Sauvignon Blanc is fresh and vibrant with classic lemongrass and citrus blossom notes. The palate complements the zesty aromas with bright, juicy guava, tangerine, and fresh grapefruit. Pair it al fresco with charcuterie, crisp salads, and light chicken or fish dishes.

    In stock (8)
