
4 products
  • Beluga Noble Allure Vodka 750ml

    Indulge in the grandeur of Beluga Allure vodka, a spirit inspired by the aristocratic sport of polo, and the thrill of winning. Like the precision and skill displayed on the polo field, this vodka is meticulously crafted with utmost care and attention to detail. If polo is the sport of…

    In stock (11)

  • Beluga Noble Export Vodka 750ml

    The first batch of Beluga Noble Vodka was produced in 2002. It was the first and the dearest to our hearts! This was the result of the meticulous hard work of the Mariinsk Distillery masters. The refined, rich taste of Beluga Noble Vodka results from its unique composition, mainly due…

    In stock (19)

  • Beluga Noble Gold Line Vodka 750ml

    Apart from a special spirit and the purest artesian water, Beluga Gold Line vodka also contains ingredients such as rice extract and rhodiola rosea extract. Its strength combined with a soft taste highlights the drinker's decisiveness and sophistication. The Beluga Gold Line is visibly distinct with its perfect shine and…

    In stock (10)

  • Beluga Transatlantic Racing Vodka 750ml

    We were proud to craft the collector's line of Beluga Transatlantic Racing in honor of The Russian Yachting Team, which has achieved brilliant victories at a number of prestigious competitions in the Mediterranean and Atlantic Regattas. The recipe of this kind of Beluga differs from other vodkas in the Beluga…

    In stock (5)
