Biagio Cru Wine and Spirits

2 products
  • Rose All Day 2017 Beaujolais Rose 750ml

    Salmon pink color with elegant aromas of flowers and fruits with a dominant hint of tangerine. A complex yet harmonious wine. This rose with match perfectly with grilled meats, fish and summer salads, and most definitely enjoyed with friends!

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  • Rose All Day France IGP Pays d’Oc 750ml

    Pink coral color. Savory, umami aromas and flavors of marinated mushrooms on a wheatberry-rye cracker and washed triple cream cheese rind with a supple, bright, dry light-to-medium body and a smooth, breezy finish with touches of pickled melon rind and starfruit with balsamic and shoyu with no oak flavor. A…

    In stock (21)
