Booker Vineyard

3 products
  • Booker Vineyard 2021 Harvey and Harriet Red Blend 750ml

    Harvey and Harriet is the Bordeaux blend created by Eric Jensen of Booker Vineyard, in an attempt to make a wine that his parents would love and could afford. It is a wine that’s made by hard work, the best vineyard sites, the best barrels, the best team and of…

    In stock (6)

  • Booker Vineyard 2021 Harvey and Harriet White Blend 750ml

    This new addition to the Harvey & Harriet family brings a fun, medium gold tone at first glance. Hints of tangerine, pineapple, and honeydew exude from your glass in this aromatically driven delight. A subtle saltiness with nutmeg undertones lead you into this lighter in body wine that still manages to…

    In stock (6)

  • My Favorite Neighbor 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    A homage to Stephan Asseo of L’Aventure Winery became an obsession. Sourced from exceptional vineyard sites around Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo and south to Edna Valley, this wine is cultivated meticulously by the farmers who have become My Favorite Neighbors. With their dedication to the land, we are able…

    In stock (2)
