Buffalo Trace

14 products
  • Benchmark Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Named after the McAfee brothers who surveyed a site just north of Frankfort in the late 1700s, this rye recipe bourbon is yet another label that honors the storied history of the Distillery and the land it sits on. TASTING NOTES: The nose bears caramel notes with a delicate stone-fruit…

    In stock (25)

  • Benchmark Select Casks Small Batch Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Select Barrels are chosen for this small match Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey by their Master Distiller. The aroma of vanilla and oak gives way to delightful hints of caramel, leather, and honey.

    In stock (2)

  • Benchmark Extra Strong Full Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    This Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is bottled at the same proof that in enters the barrel. Bold and robust, this 125 proof whiskey is meant to be sipped and savored. The scent of deep brown sugar and chocolate are followed by the bold taste of caramel and baking spice. The…

    In stock (9)

  • Benchmark Hand Picked Single Barrel Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Only the best barrels are selected and bottled at 95 proof for this special Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. While every barrel is unique, each reflects the utmost standard for the finest taste and most smooth finish with every pour. A nose of toasted oak and baking spice leads to a…

    In stock (72)

  • Benchmark Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 1.75L PET

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* In 1773, three McAfee Brothers left Virginia westward to explore the uncharted territory that would later become known as Kentucky. The brothers surveyed the land now home to the world's most award-winning distillery - Buffalo Trace Distillery. The surveyor marks left…

    In stock (71)

  • Benchmark Single Season Bonded 100 Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    The Bottled-In-Bond Act of 1897 set strict standards for bonded whiskey. This 100 proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey aged four years to meet those standards. Enjoy the rich flavor and long smooth finish. A nose of citrus and honey follows through on the palate, with a touch of light oak,…

    In stock (118)

  • Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream Liqueur 750ml

    Bourbon Cream is handcrafted using Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon, making it a perfect marriage of rich delicious cream and smooth Kentucky bourbon. You can enjoy it chilled, on the rocks, or pour it in a cup of coffee for an indulgent after dinner treat. Try the Buffalo Float- “the…

    In stock (34)

  • Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 375ml

    Ancient buffalo carved paths through the wilderness that led American pioneers and explorers to new frontiers. One such trail led to the banks of the Kentucky River where Buffalo Trace Distillery has been making bourbon whiskey the same way for more than 200 years. In tribute to the mighty buffalo…

    In stock (1)

  • Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Ancient buffalo carved paths through the wilderness that led American pioneers and explorers to new frontiers. One such trail led to the banks of the Kentucky River where Buffalo Trace Distillery has been making bourbon whiskey the same way for more than 200 years. In tribute to the mighty buffalo…

    In stock (48)

  • Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey L

    Limit 4 Per Order Ancient buffalo carved paths through the wilderness that led American pioneers and explorers to new frontiers. One such trail led to the banks of the Kentucky River where Buffalo Trace Distillery has been making bourbon whiskey the same way for more than 200 years. In tribute…

    In stock (90)

  • Buffalo Trace Kosher Rye Recipe Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    In partnership with the Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc), Buffalo Trace Distillery produced this Rye Recipe Bourbon Whiskey. Made with the same high quality grains as Buffalo Trace Bourbon Whiskey, this Kosher spirit was aged in specifically designated Kosher barrels. In order to satisfy Passover requirements, these barrels were sold to…

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  • Buffalo Trace Kosher Wheat Recipe Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Buffalo Trace Distillery produced this Wheat Recipe Bourbon in a partnership with the Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc). Made with the same high quality grains as W.L. Weller Bourbon Whiskey, this Kosher spirit was aged in specifically designated Kosher barrels. In order to satisfy Passover requirements, these barrels were sold to…

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  • Buffalo Trace Private Barrel Select Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    UniversalFWS.com Exclusive Private Select Barrel Ancient buffalo carved paths through the wilderness that led American pioneers and explorers to new frontiers. One such trail led to the banks of the Kentucky River where Buffalo Trace Distillery has been making bourbon whiskey the same way for more than 200 years. In…

    In stock (393)

  • Wheatley Vodka 750ml

    Craft Distilled by Master Distiller Harlen Wheatley and his dedicated team at the Distillery, Wheatley Vodka is made in small batches using Harlen's one of a kind micro-still and a unique recipe of wheat and other grains. Distilled a total of 10 times, triple filtered, and bottled at 82 proof,…

    In stock (27)
