
5 products
  • Bumbu Creme Liqueur 750ml

    A sweet cream liqueur from Bumbu, made with a combination of Bumbu rum, sweet spices and rich cream, creating a decadent liqueur that is delicious over ice or as part of your favourite cocktail.

    In stock (2)

  • Bumbu Rum 750ml

    Bumbu Rum The Original, presented in a 1-liter offering, is an exquisite exemplar of craftsmanship in the realm of rum. This spirit is distilled on the island of Barbados, renowned for its centuries-old tradition in rum production. The distillation process adheres to time-honored methods, utilizing locally sourced sugar cane and…

    In stock (18)

  • Bumbu XO Rum 750ml

    The small-batch rum, called Bumbu XO, has been finished in white oak Sherry barrels from Andalusia, Spain. Bumbu XO is distilled and aged at a 120-year-old Panamanian distillery, and uses local sugarcane and pure spring water. The 40% abv expression has aromas of toffee, toasted oak and vanilla, while the…

    In stock (2)

  • McQueen and the Violet Fog Gin 750ml

    An extraordinary gin handcrafted in the hills of Jundiaí, Brazil, McQueen and the Violet Fog is like no gin on Earth. Distilled with 21 botanicals gathered from all over the world – including six “signature” botanicals rarely (if ever) found in gin – it’s a complex, subtle, incredibly smooth spirit.…

    In stock (31)

  • McQueen and the Violet Fog Hibiscus Berry Ultraviolet Edition Gin 750ml

    An exquisite spirit that has the smoothness and character of our flagship gin but with the added complexity of hibiscus and forest berry flavors. To make this stunning spirit, we begin with our 93 point award-winning formula, distilling 21 different botanicals in our single traditional pot still, and then blend…

    In stock (20)
