Ca Montebello

3 products
  • Ca Montebello 2017 Buttafuoco 750ml

    An impenetrable ruby red; the nose the wine shows a splendid intensity with spicy notes together with black cherry and plum jams. To the palate full bodied and well structured. Perfect with ravioli, red meats, hot salami dishes, game and seasoned cheeses.

    In stock (5)

  • Ca Montebello Moscato 750ml

    Straw yellow with golden reflections, the intense and fragrant floral aromas are marked with apricot and peach blossoms. A delicate captivating sweetness.

    In stock (33)

  • Ca Montebello Sangue Di Giuda Dessert 750ml

    After carefully controlling the state of maturation, harvesting takes place in the 2nd week of september, after being de-stemmed and crushed they undergo a controlled temperature maceration to maintain a high sugar content. Then follows the draining of 60% of the free drawn wine,the must is then cooled and put…

    In stock (70)
