
2 products
  • Cade Estate 2019 Howell Mountain Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    On the nose are aromas of cola, blueberry, red cherry, coco nibs, baking spices, and dried cranberries, followed by flavors of boysenberry, black cherry, elderberry, dark chocolate, clove, and licorice. It finishes with bramble, amaretto, and dried blue/black fruits. This wine has a classic Howell Mountain structure and tannin —…

    In stock (1)

  • Cade Estate 2021 Howell Mountain Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The 2021 CADE Estate Cabernet Sauvignon has beautiful aromas of cherry, raspberry, cranberry, cocoa nibs, baked red delicious apples, dark chocolate, and roasted coffee. In the palate are flavors of rhubarb pie, cinnamon, clove, red cherry, and boysenberry. The wine has that classic Howell Mountain structure with great density and…

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