
2 products
  • Caposaldo 2022 Pinot Grigio 750ml

    In northern Italy’s Veneto region, the Pinot Grigio vines are planted to hillside vineyards situated 750 feet above sea level, where they benefit from well-drained, mineral rich, volcanic basaltic rock and calcareous clay soils. After handpicking, the grapes were gently guided through a pneumatic press, followed by inoculation with selected…

    In stock (2)

  • Caposaldo 2023 Pinot Grigio 750ml

    Caposaldo Pinot Grigio epitomizes the classic Italian style of Pinot Grigio, capturing the vibrant spirit and purity of the varietal with a nod to the rich winemaking traditions of Italy. Crafted from grapes meticulously selected from the cool, alpine regions of Veneto and Friuli, where the unique climate and soil…

    In stock (4)
