Carta Vieja

3 products
  • Carta Vieja 2019 Gran Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The winery is located 300 kilometers south of Santiago de Chile in the heart of the Maule area. It has been owned by the Del Pedregal family for 7 generations and is one of the oldest in Chile. In 1978, Alberto del Pedregal brought Aldunate Carta Vieja to life, the…

    In stock (5)

  • Carta Vieja Gold Rum 750ml

    Very pale silvery straw color. Aromas of vanilla extract, whipped cream, and praline have a vaporous medicinal Band-Aid like edge and follow through on soft entry to a slightly off-dry light-to-medium body with a wet stone, linen, and hot white pepper snap on the finish. This is a Rum made…

    In stock (7)

  • Carta Vieja Reserva 2020 Valle De Loncomilla Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Ripe red bell pepper flavours supported by lush cherry and bramble fruit. The ripeness of fruit is lush on the palate, with a clean finish.

    In stock (4)
