Columbia Crest

2 products
  • Columbia Crest 2021 Grand Estates Chardonnay 750ml

    This hedonistic treat is a well-executed take on the buttery-creamy style of Chardonnay. The wine features coconut and warm apple-pie aromas, with a splash of rose water on the nose. Flavors such as lemon butter, spicy cinnamon and caramel apple fill every nook and cranny of the olfactory system.

    In stock (245)

  • Columbia Crest H3 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Dark fruit dominates this Cabernet with notes of black cherry, and blackberry. There is a touch of dark chocolate and currant with a hint of minerality added by the concrete ageing. The wine finishes with plush tannins and a cocoa.

    In stock (6)
