2 products
Conundrum 2021 Red Blend 750ml
A rich, dark red, it offers aromas of ripe berries and plums, warmed by a hint of cocoa. Dried fruit and the taste of chocolate-covered cherries come through on the palate, while a wisp of smokiness makes this wine – created from dark red varietals including Zinfandel and Petite Sirah…$19.97In stock (21)
Conundrum 2022 White 750ml
Blending wines was almost unthinkable when Conundrum White was born more than 25 years ago. Since then, this wine has attracted a loyal following and remains as inventive as ever. While the exact blend is under wraps, every vintage includes Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon, Muscat Canelli, and Viognier. Conundrum White…$11.97In stock (8)