
2 products
  • Crop Organic Cucumber Vodka 750ml

    Essence of freshly sliced cucumber is evident in every sip of this totally organic vodka. The grain is harvested from fertile, healthy soil that's free of artificial fertilizers, pesticides and chemicals. Then it's distilled so efficiently that no carbon treatment or charcoal filtering is required. Certified USDA Organic, try Crop…

    In stock (3)

  • Crop Organic Meyer Lemon Vodka 750ml

    Crop Organic Meyer Lemon Vodka is a uniquely flavorful spirit produced according to strict USDA organic standards. Far different from a typical lemon vodka, Crop Organic Meyer Lemon Vodka derives it flavor from the Meyer Lemon (Citrus x Meyeri), a citrus fruit first brought to the U.S. from abroad in…

    In stock (5)
