Dave Phinney

2 products
  • Dave Phinney Orin Swift Locations E7 Red Blend 750ml

    Aromas of sweet strawberries with citrus and floral undertones, as well as blueberries and hot stones. Full-bodied with chewy tannins and a flavorful, lightly austere finish. This shows tone and texture. A blend of garnacha, tempranillo, monastrell and carinena.

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  • Dave Phinney Orin Swift Locations F6 Red Blend 750ml

    Winemaker Notes A dominant nose of raspberry, rhubarb, and wild strawberry are complemented by savory aromas of humid tobacco, lavender and rose petal. An immediate entry of cranberry and other red fruit leads to a touch of savoriness. The wine is fresh and lively with great acidity and approachable tannins.…

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