Dos Maderas

3 products
  • Dos Maderas 5+3 Double Aged Rum 750ml

    A blend of 5-year-old Bajon and Guyanese Rum that rest for an additional 3 years in casks of 20-year-old Palo Cortado. Elegant notes of deep amber rum, with rich hints of pecan, vanilla and smoky oak. The palate is balanced with ripe fruit and tropical spice, layered over smoky oak…

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  • Dos Maderas 5+5 Triple Aged Rum 750ml

    Dos Maderas is composed of exclusive rooms from Barbados and Guyana. When the master blender has assembled the desired mixture, the room is first stored for 5 years on the oak barrel in the Caribbean. After this part of the storage process, the mixture is sailed across the Atlantic, to…

    In stock (3)

  • Dos Maderas Double Aged Luxus Bodegas Williams and Humbert Limited Edition Rum 700ml

    An interesting limited edition rum from the folks at Dos Maderas. A blend of rums from Barbados and Guyana, matured for 10 years in the Caribbean before shipping to Spain for further maturation of five years in sherry casks that previously contained Don Guido, an incredible 20 year old sherry.…

    In stock (2)
