E H Taylor

2 products
  • E H Taylor Barrel Proof Uncut & Unfiltered Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Colonel E.H. Taylor Barrel Proof Bourbon is uncut, unfiltered, hearty and complex. This bourbon whiskey was drawn directly from barrels aged in warehouses constructed by Taylor over a century ago. Hand-selected and bottled at over 125 proof, it reflects the way whiskey was produced in the days before prohibition. Edmund…

    In stock (3)

  • E H Taylor Warehouse C Bottle in Bond Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    This ten-year-old Bottled in Bond bourbon was aged in Warehouse C, built by Col. Taylor in 1885, and the barrel warehouse he was most proud of – the final piece in his “model distillery.” Like some of the previous releases, this one-time-only bottling of E.H. Taylor, Jr Warehouse C Bourbon…

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