
2 products
  • Efe 3 Triple Destilled Raki 750ml

    Grapes produced on the Aegean soil and picked up carefully have been made into 100% grape suma, distilled 3 times with anise seeds and at each stage the pure flavor of Kara Efe appeared a little more. Bozdag water is used for a more pleasant taste. Kara Efe is produced…

    In stock (9)

  • Efe Gold Premium Raki 750ml

    A very pure triple-distilled raki made by distilling grape alcohol with aniseed. Efe Raki brought together the experts to produce the taste that defines Raki by an authentic recipe. Selected top-quality grapes and anis seeds of the Aegean coast gives Efe Raki its distinct taste and unmistakable aroma every time.…

    In stock (10)
