
3 products
  • Boeger Winery 2017 El Dorado Primitivo 750ml

    *This item is special order and may take 5-7 business days to get in stock.* Luscious and full, this Primitivo fills the glass with rich, fruity aromas. The fruit-forward aromas follow through on the palate, where they are accentuated with slight peppery notes. The roundness of the palate is held…

    Out of stock (0)

  • JLA Distillery Legion Whiskey 750ml

    80 Proof (40% Alc. by Vol.) Matured in New White American Oak 75% Corn, 21% Rye, 4% Malted Barley

    In stock (2)

  • Leatherwood Distillery Fuklehead Whiskey 750ml

    Nose: Equal balance of grain and wood bring out notes of dried fruit fermentation. Notes of yeast, wheat, and barley. Wood notes of vanilla, caramel. Taste: A perfect balance of marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers. Finish: Absent of bitter back notes. Front tongue sweetness balanced with fruity grains savory spice…

    In stock (3)
