
3 products
  • Empress 1908 Cucumber Lemon Gin 750ml

    Following the success of our celebrated Empress 1908 Indigo Gin and Empress 1908 Elderflower Rose Gin, Victoria Distillers is pleased to announce the latest innovation, Empress 1908 Cucumber Lemon Gin. Inspired by the accompanying flavours of afternoon tea, our Master Distiller expertly blends eight botanicals to create an exquisite spirit.…

    In stock (1)

  • Empress 1908 Elderflower Rose Gin 750ml

    Whether you enjoy a classic Empress & Tonic, or you are a mixologist creating one of our seriously delicious signature cocktails, Empress 1908 Gin transforms any home into a cocktail bar and any cocktail maker (that is you) into an expert creator. Please view the list for other online destinations…

    In stock (7)

  • Empress 1908 Gin 750ml

    Empress 1908 Gin delights the senses with its balanced citrus-and-spice palette, brilliant colour, light floral fragrance and soft texture. Handcrafted in small batch copper-pot stills using 8 botanicals, Empress 1908 is a collaboration between Victoria Distillers and British Columbia’s legendary Empress Hotel. It’s the perfect base for a new aesthetic…

    In stock (23)
