
4 products
  • Fabrizia Blood Orange Liqueur 750ml

    A sweet and aromatic version of our original Limoncello, this flavorful liqueur introduces the distinctive flavor of blood orange. Enjoy chilled on its own, combined into a classic cocktail or swirled into a frozen drink. The bold flavor of Fabrizia Blood Orange Limoncello brings any beverage to a new level.

    In stock (5)

  • Fabrizia Crema Di Limoncello Liqueur 750ml

    An elegant variation of our original Limoncello is delicious on its own as an after dinner digestif or adds a smooth creaminess to any cocktail or even dessert. Fabrizia Crema di Limoncello is crafted using Fabrizia Limoncello and fresh cream from Wisconsin.

    In stock (2)

  • Fabrizia Crema Di Pistachio Liqueur 750ml

    Handcrafted with REAL Pistachios and REAL cream, the newest member of the Fabrizia Family offers a delicious flavor that you won't find anywhere else. We lightly toast the pistachios to further bring out these amazing flavors. Like all of our products, we use ONLY real ingredients. Enjoy chilled on its…

    In stock (9)

  • Fabrizia Limoncello Liqueur 750ml

    The ‘cello’ that started it all! Crafted by hand in small batches, our Limoncello is produced with just four simple ingredients: the zest of 100% Sicilian lemons, alcohol, sugar, and water. Gluten-free and all-natural, Fabrizia Limoncello can be enjoyed on its own or added to your favorite cocktail to give…

    In stock (6)
