Famille Vincent

2 products
  • Famille Vincent 2022 Marie Antoinette Pouilly-Fuisse 750ml

    Famille Vincent Pouilly-Fuissé Cuvée Marie Antoinette is a tribute to Antoine Vincent’s grandmother mother, Marie Antoinette Vincent. The wine is sourced from several parcels including young vines from the Château Fuissé vineyards of Le Clos, Les Brûlés and Les Combettes as well as several non-domaine yet family owned parcels throughout…

    In stock (12)

  • Famille Vincent Brut Cremant De Bourgogne Sparkling 750ml

    From the owners of Château Fuissé, this méthode traditionelle bursts with clean, crisp chardonnay flavors of apples and white fruit. It's juicy and full-bodied, with fine floral details and citrus spice keeping it buoyant into a long finish.

    In stock (12)
