Fine Estates

2 products
  • Protocolo 2020 Dominio De Eguren Rose 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Through the careful selection of specific vineyards and controlling yields, the Eguren family delved into this project with the philosophy of creating exceptional quality, every day wines at affordable prices. This rose offers notes of cherries and wild strawberries -- and has a smooth acidity.

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  • Txomin Etxaniz 2020 Getaria White 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Greenish yellow, bright with fine natural bubble. Citrus and fresh apple aromas, and mineral notes. In the mouth, it is fresh and fruity, with characteristic acidity and light carbon. Critical Acclaim:   WW 92 Wilfred Wong of COMMENTARY: The 2020 Txomin Etxaníz Getariako Txakolina is a beautiful…

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