2 products
Fundador Brandy 750ml
Fundador is the market-leading Spanish grape brandy. Made using Airen and Palomino grapes, Fundador (literally 'Founder') was the first brand marketed as a 'Brandy de Jerez and is aged in a sherry-soaked Solera. Elegant, smooth and delicate brandy, aged and carefully finessed in Sherry Casks seasoned with exclusive Fino, Amontillado…$17.99Out of stock (0)
Fundador Sherry Cask Fine Brandy 1L
Fundador is the market-leading Spanish grape brandy. Made using Airen and Palomino grapes, Fundador (literally 'Founder') was the first brand marketed as a 'Brandy de Jerez and is aged in a sherry-soaked Solera. Elegant, smooth and delicate brandy, aged and carefully finessed in Sherry Casks seasoned with exclusive Fino, Amontillado…$17.99In stock (30)