G H Mumm

2 products
  • G. H. Mumm Cordon Rouge Brut Champagne 750ml

    Since 1876, the iconic cuvee with its bold red sash signals the start of a memorable moment: good times with good friends. Blended from a minimum of 100 crus, Mumm Cordon Rouge expresses the rich diversity of Champagne’s terroirs, always in the fresh, vibrant style that is the signature of…

    In stock (18)

  • G. H. Mumm Cordon Rouge Brut Rose Champagne 750ml

    Embodying a passionate personality, Mumm Grand Cordon Rosé expresses its intense, fruity character with rich aromas of wild red and black berries, typical of the Pinot Noir grape variety cultivated in Maison Mumm’s legendary vineyards in the Champagne region of France. The power and structure of Pinot Noir is delicately…

    In stock (24)
