Gran Coramino

4 products
  • Gran Coramino Anejo Tequila 750ml

    Gran Coramino Añejo is aged for over 12 months in American and French Oak barrels then blended with añejo reserves aged in ex-Cognac casks, the result is a luxury aged tequila with a sweet cognac finish.

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  • Gran Coramino Reposado Cristalino Tequila 375ml

    Introducing Gran Coramino Reposado Cristalino Tequila By Kevin Hart! Crystal clear reposado tequila, double filtered for smoothness with notes of vanilla, caramel & honey. Aged in Eastern European barrels and California Cabernet wine casks.

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  • Gran Coramino Reposado Cristalino Tequila 750ml

    Introducing Gran Coramino Reposado Cristalino Tequila By Kevin Hart! Crystal clear reposado tequila, double filtered for smoothness with notes of vanilla, caramel & honey. Aged in Eastern European barrels and California Cabernet wine casks.

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  • Gran Coramino Reposado Tequila 750ml

    Gran Coramino Reposado tequila is aged for months in American and French white oak barrels before expertly blended with Extra Añejo Tequila matured in brandy barrels which adds complexity and subtle sweetness.

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