
3 products
  • Gruet Brut Rose Sparkling 750ml

    A beautiful garnet in color, this Rosé has a number of aromatics from simple floral notes to mouth watering strawberry all while maintaining a zesty acidity and delicate finish.

    In stock (8)

  • Gruet Sauvage Blanc De Blancs Sparkling 750ml

    Tasting Notes 100% Chardonnay. No dosage. Gruet Sauvage Non Vintage is a bone-dry sparkler, pale straw in color with a delicate but persistent mousse. The minerally aromas and flavors of bright citrus pair well with oysters, sushi and cream sauces. Winemaking Notes Varietal Blend: 100% Chardonnay pH: 3.05 Alcohol: 12%…

    In stock (9)

  • Gruet Sauvage Brut Rose Sparkling 750ml

    With zero dosage, Sauvage Rosé's vibrant fruit flavors of wild strawberry and a hint of cherry really shine on the nose and palate and are complemented by bright acidity. 

    In stock (12)
