
2 products
  • Henriot Brut Rose Champagne 750ml

    Since 1808, Henriot has belonged to a rare breed of independent, family-owned Champagne Houses.  The Brut Rose combines elegance and intensity in true Henriot style.  A blended wine, this Champagne campions pinot noir grapes from Montagne de Reims while retaining the fresh mineral character typical of chardonnay.

    In stock (13)

  • Henriot Brut Souverain Champagne

    First cuvée to be created by Apolline Henriot in 1808, Henriot Brut Souverain is crafted every year. According to her, one year was not enough to tell the whole story of her terroirs. She therefore decided to put wines in reserve each year to incorporate them into a future blend.…

    In stock (24)
