Hermann J Wiemer

2 products
  • Hermann J Wiemer 2020 Dry Riesling 750ml

    This Hermann J. Wiemer signature Riesling is vibrant and aromatic, featuring the distinctive minerality that has become our trademark. Fragrant essence of spring blossoms sets the stage for a succulent palate of early fruit, balanced with a refreshing crispness, revealing the true qualities of the Riesling grape. A brilliant texture…

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  • Hermann J Wiemer 2020 Semi Dry Riesling 750ml

    Generously fruit-forward and refreshingly light, the Riesling Semi-Dry displays our signature varietal's natural verve. Sourced from early picks in vineyard blocks surrounding Seneca Lake, it offers aromas of wildflower and orchard fruit against a lean, citrus backbone.  

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