Hook or Crook Cellars

3 products
  • Hook or Crook Cellars 2018 Field Blend Lodi 750ml

    Notes of bright fruit, baking spice, blackberry, vanilla, raspberry and earthiness. This blend of four grapes features delicate tannins and warm oak tones. Pair with burgers or grilled salmon.

    In stock (32)

  • Hook or Crook Cellars 2022 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Lodi 750ml

    This crowd-pleasing Cabernet Sauvignon is rich and robust with subtle hints of vanilla and tobacco on the finish, this full-bodied wine is overflowing with berry flavors, adding complexity and just a touch of sweetness

    In stock (23)

  • Hook or Crook Cellars Reserve 2020 Chardonnay 750ml

    A creamy oak note is met with layers of butter, ripe pineapple and baked apple, and followed by a vanilla finish. Pair this with pork, pasta or fish to let flavors shine.  ALC 13.9%

    In stock (24)
