Ilegal Mezcal

4 products
  • Ilegal Anejo Mezcal 750ml

    Aged for thirteen months in American Oak, French Oak, and used bourbon casks. A gorgeous spirit rivaling the world’s finest scotches and cognacs. Maple, clove, and bitter orange aromas. Dark chocolate and sweet agave on the palate. Rounded. Full. Rich. Yet still untamed.

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  • Ilegal Reposado Mezcal 750ml

    Aged for 4 months in medium-charred American Oak. Caramelized pear and bitter orange on the nose. Clove, butterscotch, and hints of vanilla on the palate. Velvety throughout. An exceptional drinking mezcal.

    In stock (2)

  • Ilegal Joven Mezcal 750ml

    Un-aged. Full bodied agave flavor. Eucalyptus and mineral aromas compliment hints of green apple, fresh citrus, and red chiltepe. Light smoke. Lingering heat. Ideal for cocktails or perfect on its own.

    In stock (14)

  • Ilegal Reposado Caribbean Cask Finish Tequila 750ml

    Introducing Ilegal Reposado Caribbean Cask Finish. Ilegal produces the most award-winning and well-loved aged mezcals in the world. For this limited edition spirit, Ilegal Mezcal Reposado is finished to taste for 2 months in barrels that previously aged 8-year Caribbean rum. Perfect neat, on the rocks, or in an Ilegal…

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