
2 products
  • Intrinsic 2020 Columbia Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    This vintage of INTRINSIC has a dried herb and violet nose, complemented by aromas of black cherry. The flavors are layered with tones of dried cherries, pomegranate, and cocoa. The texture is rustic, yet silky, with a unique savory and long finish. The raw characteristics of INTRINSIC Cabernet Sauvignon pair…

    In stock (33)

  • Intrinsic 2021 Columbia Valley Red Blend 750ml

    An artful blend of Malbec and Cabernet Franc, this red blend wine reveals refined notes of raspberry, white tea, mint, and lavender, layered with milk chocolate, fig reduction, dark plum, and licorice root, offering satisfying complexity and an angular yet sophisticated texture, finishing with chocolate ganache details.

    In stock (6)
