Juan Gil

3 products
  • Juan Gil 2018 Red Blend 750ml

    91pts Robert Parker's Wine Advocate Produced for the US market, this is the first vintage of the 2018 Juan Gil Red Blend. It is 45% Monastrell, 45% Cabernet Sauvignon and 10% Syrah from a year more in line with 2016, more continental and with more rain, despite which, the wine…

    In stock (3)

  • Juan Gil 2019 18 Meses Monastrell Jumilla Red 750ml

    Brilliant red in the glass. A light roasted aroma complemented by fresh berries. Savory notes of earth and black tea balanced with a rich core of black fruits. Round tannins, good acidity.

    In stock (6)

  • Juan Gil 2021 12 Meses Silver Label Jumilla Red 750ml

    Rich, powerful and voluminous on the attack, a huge mouthful of creme-decassis concentration, silken and juicy in the mid-palate with excellent length and persistence. Fine, ripe tannins, at once supple and structurally present. Rich and fruity, but also deep, with ripe blackberries, figs, spice and dark chocolate on the nose.…

    In stock (60)
