
2 products
  • Legent Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Legent™ is a Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey partially finished in wine and sherry casks. But it's more than that. It pushes the boundaries for how bourbons can be created while remaining true to the core of bourbon's principles. It's a collaboration between two whiskey legends - Fred Noe and Shinji…

    In stock (8)

  • Legent Yamazaki Cask Finish Blend Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Partnering with Fred Noe, Seventh-Generation Master Distiller of James B. Beam Distilling Co, on Legent Bourbon was an honor and an exciting opportunity to create something special that represents East meets West,” said Fifth-Generation Chief Blender of Suntory Whisky Shinji Fukuyo. “Taking it one step further to create this limited-edition…

    In stock (6)
