
2 products
  • Longevity 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    This medium brick, plum colored Cabernet highlights the varietal. Ripe Cabernet shines with intense black-cherry notes in this multi vineyard blend. The palate has a rustic fruit expression favoring dried cherry, cassis and pomegranate notes. The wine finishes with subtle oak notes yielding a light vanilla and cocoa finish. The…

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  • Longevity 2019 Chardonnay 750ml

    Ripe forward fruit and crisp acidity, paired with aging in French oak barrels provide the richness and complexity that round out this distinctive Chardonnay. The wine is bursting with aromas of apricot, pineapple Asian pear, sweet vanilla and butterscotch.

    In stock (8)
