
2 products
  • Mendel 2021 Semillon 750ml

    Enjoy fresh, clean citric and herbal notes. Flavors of citrus, tropical fruit, coconut, and caramel are elegant and soft on the palate. A lovely dose of crisp acidity provides a texture similar to that of Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc combined. A super dry and clean finish may make this the…

    In stock (8)

  • Mendel 2022 Semillon 750ml

    From high altitudes in Argentina and old logs, the grapes come to Mendel Sémillon. The vineyard locations Altamira, La Consulta and San Carlos were planted in 1942 and are located a full 1,100 meters above sea level, which means large differences in temperature between day and night. The cool nights…

    In stock (3)
