
5331 products
  • Cantera Verde Gin 750ml

    Cantera Verde is Oaxaca in a bottle. A modern Mexican gin that blends the iconic notes of juniper and cardamom with an unusual finish... During the final days of production, the liquid passes through mezcal barrels which enhance the flavor with a subtle agave note!

    In stock (4)

  • Cantina Lavis 2020 Pinot Grigio Rose 750ml

    Region Trentino Variety Pinot Grigio. Vineyards located in Lavis and Trento. Tasting notes Its coppery colour, defined by a straw-yellow with delicate reflects. Intense bouquet of citrus fruits and flower aromas are the typical organoleptic traits of Pinot Grigio Rosè. Strong sensation of minerality on the palate. Harmonious taste with…

    In stock (1)

  • Cantina Lavis 2022 Pinot Grigio Rose 750ml

    Pinot Grigio has been grown in Trentino for many decades, because here, at the foot of the Dolomites, this grape variety is fully able to express its character. Pinot Grigio has found the ideal environment conditions in the foothills and valley vineyards of Lavis, on the sandyloam soil originated from…

    In stock (35)

  • Cantina Lavis 2022 Pinot Grigio Trentino DOC 750ml

    Deep golden-yellow color, rich, warm and inviting aroma of ripe fruits and honey. Strong sensation of minerality on the palate. Harmonious taste, balanced silky tannins.

    In stock (11)

  • Cantina Lavis 2023 Pinot Grigio Trentino DOC 750ml

    Deep golden-yellow color, rich, warm and inviting aroma of ripe fruits and honey. Strong sensation of minerality on the palate. Harmonious taste, balanced silky tannins.

    In stock (23)

  • Cantina Puiatti 2020 Ribolla Gialla 750ml

    Puiatti’s approach to producing wines in northern Italy’s Friuli region is defined by what they DO NOT do: no oak, no over-ripening, no maceration, no inoculation, and no oxidation. This simple approach in limiting intervention results in extraordinarily complex wines, which showcase variety, typicity and purity. As Vittorio Puiatti concludes,…

    In stock (2)

  • Cantine Vitea 2021 Sangue di Giuda dell’Oltrepò Pavese Passione Red Blend 750ml

    Terra is a naturally sparkling wine with an intense crimson-red colour. Full bodied and vinous, with notes of violets together with raspberry and blueberry jams, this wine is smooth and fragrant, delicate and fresh. It is best enjoyed while the wine is young. It is well combined with all kinds…

    In stock (10)

  • Canton Ginger Liqueur 750ml

    Domaine de Canton was described as "a perfect liqueur" in F. Paul Pacult's Spirit Journal, and he wasn't exaggerating. This spirit is crafted from VSOP cognac, baby ginger, vanilla beans, Provencal honey, and Tunisian ginseng, and the result is sublime; with subtle sweetness and a spicy, savory kick, Canton tastes…

    In stock (7)

  • Canvasback 2017 Red Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Robust and alluring, this gorgeous expression of Red Mountain Cabernet offers a medley of blue plum, black cherry and red berry aromas, along with notes of black licorice, cardamom, clove and sandalwood. On the palate, a creamy entry and ripe, fine-grained tannins build to a richly polished mid-palate, where luxurious…

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  • New

    Caolila 11yr Ambrosial Feast Special 2024 Release Islay Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    Caol Ila '11 Year Old Natural Cask Strength' Special Release 2024 Single Malt Scotch Whisky hails from the renowned Caol Ila distillery on the rugged shores of Islay, Scotland. Known for its mastery in crafting unpeated single malts, this expression showcases a unique production process involving short fermentation, cloudy worts, and part-filled stills. The result is a creamy, nutty mouthfeel…

    In stock (5)

  • Caolila 12Yr Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    This 12 year old is the entry level bottling from the Caol Ila distillery, launched in June of 2002 this expression is light and fresh with that distinctive Caol Ila smoke. Tasting Notes: Nose: Fresh, herbal. Rubbed peppermint leaves, stemmy, damp grass, smoky. Oily, cigar leaves, smoked ham, hickory. Palate:…

    In stock (6)

  • Caparzo 2021 Sangiovese Toscana 750ml

    Color: fairly intense ruby red. Bouquet: ample and persistent, evoking blackberries and raspberries. Palate: warm, dry, generous and with a good balance.  

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  • Caparzo Brunello di Montalcino 2018 Brunello 750ml

    Garnet red, intense and brilliant, with light orange hints. The bouquet is penetrating, very full and varied, reminiscent of wild berries. On the palate, dry, warm, full-bodied, harmonious, delicate and austere and persistent at the same time.

    In stock (11)

  • Cape D’Or 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The fruit for this Cabernet Sauvignon was sourced from sustainable, dry land vineyards in South Africa. These vineyards are located in the Western Cape region of South Africa where cool afternoon breezes allow for favourable ripening conditions. Working with fruit from some of the oldest deposits of granite and shale…

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