97 products
  • Kahlua Coffee Liqueur 750ml

    In stock (196)

  • Kahlua Especial 70 Proof 750ml

    Launched in 2002, Kahlúa Especial boasts a richer coffee taste and extra kick. This intensely flavored dark espresso liqueur is made from the purest Arabica coffee beans and is deliciously served on-the-rocks or in a martini.

    In stock (27)

  • Kahlua Vanilla Liqueur 750ml

    Deep mahogany color. Sweet toasted marshmallow aromas and flavors with a touch of cocoa and coffee. Finishes with a sweet toasted meringue fade. SILVER MEDAL 2009 INTERNATIONAL WINE & SPIRITS COMPETITION

    In stock (25)

  • Malibu Black Caribbean Rum 1.75L

    Malibu Black takes the signature coconut essence you know and love, but cranks up the intensity with a bolder, darker twist. It’s a smooth blend of coconut flavour and rum at 35% ABV. It’s like coconut’s sultry alter ego, adding a touch of mystery to every drop. The sunshine story…

    In stock (11)

  • Malibu Black Rum 750ml

    Premium Malibu Rum with and all its coconut glory with a spirited boost! This version of the popular flavored rum places more focus on the bite rather than the sweetness. Create a cocktail with an extra kick!

    In stock (18)

  • Malibu Coconut Caribbean Rum 1.75L

    Malibu is all about easy-to-make drinks. You can craft a smooth tropical escape by mixing Malibu with pineapple juice, and you’ve got a tropical delight! Or, why not shake up a timeless classic, the Malibu Piña Colada? No matter your drink preference, get ready to sip and savor the sunshine…

    In stock (97)

  • Malibu Coconut Rum 750ml

    Malibu Original Caribbean Rum with Coconut Liqueur is celebrated for its sweet and creamy flavor profile. The smooth Caribbean rum is beautifully balanced with the rich, tropical taste of coconut, creating a delightful drink that's both refreshing and indulgent. Whether you're mixing it in a Piña Colada, a Coconut Mojito,…

    In stock (48)

  • Malibu Lime Rum 750ml

    This delicious, refreshing rum can be mixed into many cocktails, making Malibu Lime a winning combination reminiscent of summer fun!

    In stock (16)

  • Malibu Mango Rum 750ml

     Captures the sweet, juicy taste of mango and infuses the classic coconut flavor of Malibu with an extra Caribbean flavor. The smooth blend of mango and coconut makes a refreshing cocktail every time.

    In stock (34)

  • Malibu Passion Fruit Rum 750ml

    In stock (22)

  • Malibu Peach Rum 750ml

    Sip on a slice of summer with Malibu’s newest flavor, Malibu Peach! This refreshingly sweet, juicy flavored rum is ripe with the bright, tangy taste of yellow peaches. Malibu Peach is prime for fun with friends, backyard hangs at home and any sunny scene in between. Made with smooth Caribbean…

    In stock (21)

  • Malibu Pineapple Caribbean Rum 1.75L

    Combining two of the most iconic Caribbean flavors, Malibu Pineapple is a refreshing cocktail in a bottle. Malibu rum is known for capturing the flavorful essence of coconut in rum. This drink featuring Caribbean rum with pineapple liqueur goes down smoothly and has a sweet finish. Along with the taste…

    In stock (14)

  • Malibu Pineapple Rum 750ml

    Has a light tropical taste with a genuine pineapple flavor. Light bodied with an easy going pineapple aroma and a refreshing, citrus-filled taste that finishes smooth and easy.

    In stock (34)

  • Malibu Strawberry Rum 750ml

    Taste the berry best of summer with the latest addition to the Malibu flavor family, Malibu Strawberry! Bursting with sweet and smooth strawberry flavor, add a splash of soda for a refreshing sip of sunshine or blend Malibu Strawberry with ice for the ultimate Strawberry Frozen Daiquiri.

    In stock (27)

  • Malibu Watermelon Caribbean Rum 1.75L

    Sip on a slice of summer with Malibu’s newest flavor, Malibu Watermelon! As the latest addition to the family, Malibu Watermelon is prime for fun with friends, backyard hangs at home, and every sunny scene in between. It’s smooth Caribbean Rum blended with the natural flavor of watermelon. It’s an…

    In stock (11)
