207 products
  • Famous Grouse Blended Scotch Whisky 1.75L

    Smooth and perfectly balanced. Scotland’s favourite blend of the finest malts and exceptional grain whiskies.

    In stock (52)

  • Fernet Branca Bitter Liqueur 750ml

    First produced in 1845 by the Branca family in Milan, Italy, Fernet Branca is a type of oily herbal liqueur that consists of 27 herbs and spices. Ingredients are sourced from around the world, making Fernet Branca a truly global concoction. Chamomile from Europe, cinnamon from Sri Lanka, myrrh from…

    In stock (26)

  • Four Roses Small Batch 90 Proof American Whiskey 750ml

    For a spirits enthusiast who wants a go-to premium bourbon, Four Roses Small Batch is a perfectly balanced everyday bourbon that elevates every moment to a special occasion.

    In stock (24)

  • Four Roses Small Batch Select Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Master Distiller Brent Elliott selected and mingled six of Four Roses’ 10 Bourbon recipes, each aged a minimum of 6 years, to handcraft Small Batch Select. Non-chill filtered and 104 proof, our newest permanent product-line extension offers truly unique flavor characteristics. 104 proof. 52% alcohol/volume TASTING NOTES NOSE:Raspberries, clove, and…

    In stock (10)

  • Gentleman Jack Tennessee Whiskey 1.75L

    Inspired by the original gentleman distiller and our founder, Gentleman Jack undergoes a second charcoal mellowing to achieve exceptional smoothness. Its balanced flavor is perfect for celebrating life’s extraordinary occasions, plus all the moments along the way. In 1866, the Jack Daniel Distillery is officially established, making it the very…

    In stock (13)

  • Glendalough Double Barrel Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Upon its release, this whiskey won double gold at The World Spirits Competition in San Francisco. It really is an Irish whiskey that will make you think twice about Irish whiskey. A lovely, light and drinkable whiskey, it's also complex with a depth of flavour beyond its years. Aged twice…

    In stock (37)

  • Glendalough Rose Gin 750ml

    To make this very special, small-batch Gin we completely rebalance our Wild Gin recipe and redistill it with extra fruit, flowers, spices... and of course a lot of fresh rose petals. Three varieties of rose are used; the rare and elusive Wild Rose from the Wicklow mountains, large fragrant Heritage…

    In stock (3)

  • Glendalough Wild Botanical Gin 750ml

    To make this extraordinary gin, we forage wild plants in the mountains around the distillery. What we pick goes fresh into the still within hours of foraging. All the plants are sustainably picked by our full time forager, every day we distil. We take a lot of care that we…

    In stock (8)

  • Glenlivet 12Yr Single Malt Scotch 1.75L

    The Glenlivet 12 year old is a single malt, double matured Scotch whisky. From the Speyside region of Scotland, it is first matured in traditional, then American oak casks. The latter barrel imparts notes of vanilla and gives the whisky its distinctive smoothness. This classic single malt has a rich…

    In stock (26)

  • Glenlivet 12Yr Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    This whisky has been called a lot of things in its time: smooth, fruity, complex, sophisticated, entertaining, classic. The Original Malt Whisky Almanac says: “A first-class malt. One of the most popular malts in the world – deservedly so.” The Glenlivet 12 Year Old’s legendary smooth character and tropical fruity…

    In stock (97)

  • Glenlivet 14Yr Cognac Cask Selection Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Meet The Glenlivet 14 Year Old, our newest whisky. Featuring raisin-rich cognac and signature citrus notes married with creamy smoothness, the luscious liquid has traveled from bourbon and sherry casks to a selective finish in cognac casks. Bursting with sweet and fruity aromas and inspired by Captain Bill Grant Smith,…

    In stock (31)

  • Glenlivet 15Yr French Oak Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    CASK: FRENCH LIMOUSIN OAK FLAVOR:SWEET FRUITS, DELICATE SPICE The origin of this whisky’s deep and satisfying flavor stems from a maturation technique pioneered by The Glenlivet, known as Selective Maturation. A portion of the mature spirit is transferred to virgin oak casks made from French Limousin oak, the same casks…

    In stock (26)

  • Glenlivet 18Yr Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    The Glenlivet 18 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky has an apricot-hued appearance, along with an aroma of dried fruits — particularly mangoes — and toffee. Its palate is wonderfully balanced, with notes of ripe oranges, raisins and ginger, and leads to a phenomenal finish marked by butterscotch candy and…

    In stock (10)

  • Glenlivet Caribbean Reserve Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    Introducing The Glenlivet Caribbean Reserve, a single malt with a bold, tropical twist. To create whisky with a tropical feel, our makers finished a portion of our whisky in barrels that previously held Caribbean rum. The result is a well balanced and exceptionally smooth whisky. It features the sweet and…

    In stock (97)

  • Glenlivet Founders Reserve Single Malt Scotch 1.75L

    For The Glenlivet Founder's Reserve, skillful selection of casks enhances the signature fruity flavors of The Glenlivet with traditional oak casks being complemented by selective use of American first-fill casks to give a hint of creamy sweetness – creating an exceptionally well-balanced and smooth malt. Pale gold color, with delicate…

    In stock (27)
