178 products
  • Glenlivet 12Yr Single Malt Scotch 1.75L

    The Glenlivet 12 year old is a single malt, double matured Scotch whisky. From the Speyside region of Scotland, it is first matured in traditional, then American oak casks. The latter barrel imparts notes of vanilla and gives the whisky its distinctive smoothness. This classic single malt has a rich…

    In stock (17)

  • Glenlivet 12Yr Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    This whisky has been called a lot of things in its time: smooth, fruity, complex, sophisticated, entertaining, classic. The Original Malt Whisky Almanac says: “A first-class malt. One of the most popular malts in the world – deservedly so.” The Glenlivet 12 Year Old’s legendary smooth character and tropical fruity…

    In stock (196)

  • Glenlivet 14Yr Cognac Cask Selection Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Meet The Glenlivet 14 Year Old, our newest whisky. Featuring raisin-rich cognac and signature citrus notes married with creamy smoothness, the luscious liquid has traveled from bourbon and sherry casks to a selective finish in cognac casks. Bursting with sweet and fruity aromas and inspired by Captain Bill Grant Smith,…

    In stock (17)

  • Glenlivet 15Yr French Oak Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    CASK: FRENCH LIMOUSIN OAK FLAVOR:SWEET FRUITS, DELICATE SPICE The origin of this whisky’s deep and satisfying flavor stems from a maturation technique pioneered by The Glenlivet, known as Selective Maturation. A portion of the mature spirit is transferred to virgin oak casks made from French Limousin oak, the same casks…

    In stock (21)

  • Glenlivet Caribbean Reserve Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    Introducing The Glenlivet Caribbean Reserve, a single malt with a bold, tropical twist. To create whisky with a tropical feel, our makers finished a portion of our whisky in barrels that previously held Caribbean rum. The result is a well balanced and exceptionally smooth whisky. It features the sweet and…

    In stock (136)

  • Glenlivet Founders Reserve Single Malt Scotch 1.75L

    For The Glenlivet Founder's Reserve, skillful selection of casks enhances the signature fruity flavors of The Glenlivet with traditional oak casks being complemented by selective use of American first-fill casks to give a hint of creamy sweetness – creating an exceptionally well-balanced and smooth malt. Pale gold color, with delicate…

    In stock (21)

  • Glenlivet Founders Reserve Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    Inspired by our legendary founder George Smith whose vision was to create the smoothest of all whiskies, The Glenlivet’s Founder’s Reserve embodies a new side of The Glenlivet’s classic style. Founder’s Reserve is an extremely well balanced whisky, full of sweet, creamy vanilla and caramel apple notes, along with zesty…

    In stock (204)

  • Grey Goose Essences Strawberry and Lemongrass Vodka 750ml

    Taste of wild strawberries meet lemongrass with just a touch of citrus for an aromatic spirit like no other. This unique spirit is vodka infused with real fruit and botanical essences.

    In stock (15)

  • Grey Goose Essences Watermelon and Basil Vodka 750ml

    Rich, juicy rosé melon and garden-picked peppery basil meet for a taste that’s bright and refreshing. This unique spirit is vodka infused with real fruit and botanical essences, perfect for a simple cocktail.

    In stock (13)

  • Grey Goose Essences White Peach and Rosemary Vodka 750ml

    The delicate aroma of floral white peach is elevated with a touch of rosemary for a taste that’s worthy of a celebration. This unique spirit is vodka infused with real fruit and botanical essences.

    In stock (8)

  • Grey Goose L Orange Vodka 750ml

    Experience the joy of fresh, natural flavor. Our orange flavored vodka uses the natural essence of over two pounds of oranges in every liter for a perfectly zesty taste. No added sugar.

    In stock (17)

  • Grey Goose La Poire Vodka 750ml

    You’re invited to experience the joy of intense natural flavors. Reflecting the taste and freshness of an Anjou pear — a classic flavor of French cuisine — this pear flavored vodka comes alive with a bold taste.

    In stock (15)

  • Grey Goose Le Citron Vodka 750ml

    Enjoy a naturally bold taste experience. This elegantly bright lemon flavored vodka is imbued with essential oils from the world’s finest lemons, including those from the renowned Menton region of France.

    In stock (20)

  • Grey Goose Vodka 750ml

    This extraordinary vodka is made from the best ingredients from France, soft winter wheat and Gensac spring water.

    In stock (240)

  • Horse Soldier Barrel Strength American Whiskey 750ml

    MASH BILL: 70% Corn; Yellow Dent 2, 20% Wheat; soft red winter, 10% Barley; two row, combination distillers malt and base two row. Water from limestone aquifers carefully filtered for purity. Grain, water, yeast and wood without additives or artificial colors. TASTING/NOSE: Caramel, honey, butterscotch, woodiness, cashew and spiced raisin…

    In stock (1)
