Hard Seltzer

33 products
  • Ketel One Botanical Peach and Orange Blossom Vodka 750ml

    Ketel One Botanical Peach and Orange Blossom appeals to those who enjoy lush, juicy white peaches and bold notes of fragrant orange blossoms. Each botanical essence is individually and naturally obtained through innovative extraction methods and distillation processes for the freshest, cleanest, most crisp taste possible.

    In stock (30)

  • Ketel One Botanical Peach and Orange Blossom Vodka Spritz 4pk

    Gather your friends to enjoy a Ketel One Botanical Peach & Orange Blossom Vodka Spritz. The sophisticated ready-to-enjoy spritz in a can for your next BBQ, long, lazy picnic in the park or after work catch up with friends. Artfully infused with real botanicals, natural fruit essence and sparkling water,…

    In stock (28)

  • Spritz Society Pink Lemonade 4pk

    Spritz Society teamed up with podcast host & entrepreneur, Lauryn Bosstick (The Skinny Confidential) on a Pink Lemonade collaboration. Spritz Society Pink Lemonade features sparkling water, real white wine, & hints of strawberry, rose and lemon.

    In stock (6)
