26 products
  • Sale

    A to Z Wineworks 2022 Pinot Noir 750ml

    This exquisite wine offers an exceptional tasting experience with notes of red fruit, herbs, and savory spices that are both compelling and intriguing. The succulent palate boasts flavors of blackberry, black cherry, and pomegranate, with hints of oak that add complexity and depth. The structured tannins and fresh, balanced acidity…

    In stock (216)

    Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $12.99.
  • Atian Rose Gin 750ml

    A super-premium South African rose gin vapor infused with 13 natural botanicals thoughtfully sourced from the Cape's Floral Kingdom. A blend of crisp citrus, gentle rose and delicate fynbos offer an authentic glimpse into South Africa’s incredible flora.

    In stock (137)

  • Sale

    Bakers 107 Proof American Whiskey 750ml

    Baker's 7 Year Old 107 Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. A powerful small-batch bourbon which utilises a special kind of yeast for extra smoothness. Rich and intense, this is a perfect substitute for an after-dinner cognac.

    In stock (36)

    Original price was: $49.99.Current price is: $39.99.
  • Sale

    Belle Glos Dairyman Russian River Valley 2022 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Bright crimson red in color. Aromas of black cherry and ripe plums combine with subtle notes of dried herbs and smoke. The palate entry shows flavors of cranberry, fresh raspberry, and ripe cherry, complemented by hints of vanilla and baking spice. A balance of savory, cedar and cocoa powder, and…

    In stock (29)

    Original price was: $44.96.Current price is: $39.98.
  • Sale

    Duckhorn Vineyards Napa Valley 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Crafted from both mountain and valley floor grapes, this beautifully rich and complex wine offers alluring aromas of huckleberry, cardamom, graham cracker, dark chocolate and violets. On the palate, juicy flavors of ripe boysenberry and black tea glide across finely textured tannins, with bright, balanced acidity contributing to a long,…

    In stock (23)

    Original price was: $59.97.Current price is: $49.97.
  • Sale

    Harken 2023 Barrel Fermented Chardonnay 750ml

    Harken Chardonnay is 100% barrel fermented to create a rich Chardonnay exhibiting a classic profile of tropical fruit and Bosc pear alongside warm oak aromatics. The luscious palate suggests crème brulée and buttered toast, and finishes with fresh acidity.

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    Original price was: $11.97.Current price is: $10.97.
  • Imagery 2021 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Balanced and smooth from start to finish, this Pinot Noir leads with a silky entry. Jammy-strawberry, cherry and boysenberry fruit flavors are enriched by integrated oak and blended with Petit Verdot to achieve a substantial body. This Pinot Noir is rich with jammy berry notes, silky tannins and a long…

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  • Sale

    Kastra Elion Greek Vodka 750ml

    Full bodied with subtle notes of ripe olives, refined with peppery undertones and a soft, buttery finish.

    In stock (1)

    Original price was: $49.99.Current price is: $39.99.
  • Sale

    Nolets Silver 95.2 Proof Gin 750ml

    NOLET’S Silver Gin features a unique combination of botanicals never before used in gin that was created for a new generation of gin drinkers. The floral and fruit-forward gin is bottled at 47.6% Alc./Vol. (95.2 Proof) Eleventh generation sons, Carl Jr. and Bob Nolet, collaborated with their father Carolus Sr.…

    In stock (160)

    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $19.99.
  • Old Overholt 4Yr 86 Proof Straight Rye American Whiskey 750ml

    Old Overholt Straight Rye Whiskey is named after Abraham Overholt, a Pennsylvanian distiller (1784 – 1870) and it’s the oldest, continuously produced rye whiskey brand in the US.  The brand received a makeover in March 2020.  In addition to an increase in proof from 80 proof to 86 proof, the…

    In stock (122)

  • Sale

    OZV 2021 Old Vine Zinfandel 750ml

    OZV Old Vine Zinfandel 2021 is a deep ruby-colored wine with rich and abundant flavors of dark fruit. The ripe notes of blackberry and plum are beautifully balanced with baking spice and vanilla, creating an exquisite taste that is sure to impress. This full-bodied wine features medium tannins that provide…

    In stock (115)

    Original price was: $10.97.Current price is: $7.98.
  • Parrot Bay Coconut Rum 1L

    Captain Morgan, a brand with deep roots in the rich history of the Caribbean, traces its origins back to 1680, when the legendary pirate Sir Henry Morgan settled in Jamaica. There, on his sugar cane plantation, he laid the foundations for a brand that is now known worldwide for its…

    In stock (58)

  • Sale

    Portlandia 2022 Oregon Pinot Noir 750ml

    Portlandia Oregon Pinot Noir: From the cooler climate of Oregon, this Pinot Noir is elegant and nuanced, with flavors of red berries, earth, and a hint of spice. The balanced acidity and soft tannins make it a versatile wine for a variety of dishes, from salmon to poultry.

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    Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $13.99.
  • Proper No Twelve Irish Apple Irish Whiskey 750ml

    You already know what Proper No. Twelve Irish Whiskey tastes like. Now imagine award-winning Proper No. Twelve Irish Whiskey with notes of crisp and fresh Irish Apple. Why are you still standing around? Try it neat, over ice, in a cocktail or a straight shot.

    In stock (261)

  • Proper No Twelve Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Proper No. Twelve’s Triple Distilled Irish Whiskey is an ultra-smooth blend of golden grain and single malt with hints of vanilla, honey and toasted wood for a rich complexity.

    In stock (122)
