Ready To Drink

85 products
  • On The Rocks Effen Lemon Drop Martini RTD 375ml

    This blossoming Lemon Drop Martini is the perfect blend of a classic taste with hints of botanicals. Crisp, refreshing, and subtly sweet, just pour over ice and treat yourself to layers of lemon, hints of elderflower and basil, and a vanilla finish.

    In stock (7)

  • On The Rocks Hornitos Margarita RTD 375ml

    One of the most recognizable and sought after cocktails in the world, our OTR Margarita cocktail offers a perfect balance between tequila, tart lime, and triple sec. Uncork and pour over ice!

    In stock (14)

  • On The Rocks Knob Creek Old Fashion RTD 375ml

    Staying true to the classic recipe, the OTR Old Fashioned cocktail is strong, balanced and simple. It is mixed with Knob Creek®, a Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey, bitters, and orange.

    In stock (14)

  • On The Rocks Strawberry Daiquiri with Cruzan Rum RTD 750ml

    This elevated spin on the classic rum Daiquiri blends flavors of refreshing strawberry and lime with Cruzan® rums for a perfectly balanced & vibrant cocktail - it’s like sunshine in a bottle.

    In stock (6)

  • On The Rocks The Aviation Crafted with Larios Gin RTD Cocktail 375ml

    Our Aviation is made with Larios®, a lighter tasting juniper and citrus gin. Classic flavors of dry cherry, lemon, and a hint of violet makes the overall profile flavorful and distinctive.

    In stock (16)

  • On The Rocks The Classic Daiquiri Crafted with Cruzan Rum RTD 375ml

    Simple doesn't come easy; it takes a delicate touch to create this Daiquiri cocktail that is finely balanced from a custom blend of dark and light Cruzan® rums and brightness of lime.

    In stock (25)

  • On The Rocks The Espresso Martini Crafted with Effen Vodka RTD 375ml

    A little dark. A little daring. Rich espresso coffee liqueur entwined with ultra smooth EFFEN® Vodka. There's no better way to awaken the moment than with our OTR Espresso Martini.

    In stock (8)

  • On The Rocks The Mai Tai Crafted with Cruzan Rum RTD 375ml

    A modern take on a classic Tiki cocktail is made special with authentic flavors of orgeat, coconut, pineapple and orange, as well as a custom blend of Cruzan® Light and Dark rums.

    In stock (26)

  • On The Rocks The White Negroni Crafted with Sipsmith Gin RTD 375ml

    Experience the USA at 27.5% with OTR's latest Limited Release: a delightful spin on the Negroni featuring Sipsmith London Dry Gin. This exquisite blend combines the sweet embrace of juniper with the elegance of dry vermouth florals, culminating in a gently bitter finale.

    In stock (13)

  • On The Rocks Tres Generaciones Jalapeno Pineapple Margarita RTD 375ml

    The perfect drink for those who share a love of all things hot, our Jalapeño Pineapple Margarita is fun and flavorful with a hint of heat.

    In stock (19)
