
16 products
  • Damso Blueberry Soju 375ml

    Damso Blueberry Soju is infused with a vibrant tasting blueberry flavor, a refreshing twist on a classic. Damso Blueberry Soju is a neutral spirit with natural and artificial flavors.

    In stock (37)

  • Damso Lychee Grape 375ml

    Damso Lychee Grape Soju is a neutral spirit with natural and artificial flavors.

    In stock (23)

  • Damso Lychee Soju 375ml

    Damso Lychee Soju is sweet and flavorful, with a unique lychee taste that everyone can enjoy. Damso Lychee Grape Soju is a neutral spirit with natural and artificial flavors.

    In stock (35)

  • Damso Mandarin Soju 375ml

    The DAMSO Mandarin Soju offers an enchanting experience for your taste buds! With every sip you imagine yourself in South Korea and taste the delicious taste of fresh mandarin. Enjoy the refreshing notes of premium soju. This soju is perfect for those looking for a delicious combination of fruitiness and…

    In stock (18)

  • Damso Peach Soju 375ml

    Damso Peach Soju provides the sweet taste of ripened peaches in each sip while maintaining its light and refreshing experience. Damso Peach Soju is a neutral spirit with natural and artificial flavors.

    In stock (13)

  • Damso Strawberry Soju 375ml

    Damso translation "talking while laughing and having fun". This traditional spirit based soju is made with apple spirits and sugar cane spirits. This combination makes it easy to drink with great flavors and taste.

    In stock (11)

  • Damso Watermelon Soju 375ml

    Damso translation "talking while laughing and having fun". This traditional spirit based soju is made with apple spirits and sugar cane spirits. This combination makes it easy to drink with great flavors and taste.

    In stock (29)

  • Jinro Chamisul Fresh Soju 375ml

    Jinro Plum Soju adds a playful splash of plum flavors to the clean taste of Chamisul Fresh. It is a neutral spirit with natural and artificial flavors. Fruity and smooth with the unique flavor of plums, this latest addition will delight fans of flavored soju. Jinro Plum has become one…

    In stock (20)

  • Jinro Chamisul Original Soju 750ml

    Beloved since 1924, Chamisul Original is the original classic soju, a neutral spirit distilled from rice.

    In stock (11)

  • Jinro Grapefruit Soju 375ml

    Also known as Korean vodka, it has a very smooth taste. Its a clear distilled liquor made from rice and the most popular type of alcoholic drink in Korea. Soju is originally from Korea, where it was first distilled around the 14th century. Unlike vodka, soju has a natural hint…

    In stock (13)

  • Jinro Peach Soju 375ml

    Also known as Korean vodka, it has a very smooth taste. Its a clear distilled liquor made from rice and the most popular type of alcoholic drink in Korea. Soju is originally from Korea, where it was first distilled around the 14th century. Unlike vodka, soju has a natural hint…

    In stock (14)

  • Jinro Plum Soju 375ml

    Jinro Plum Soju adds a playful splash of plum flavors to the clean taste of Chamisul Fresh. It is a neutral spirit with natural and artificial flavors. Fruity and smooth with the unique flavor of plums, this latest addition will delight fans of flavored soju. Jinro Plum has become one…

    In stock (17)

  • Soonhari Apple Soju 375ml

    SoonHari Apple Soju provides the sweet taste of green apple in each sip while maintaining its light and refreshing experience. SoonHari is the original flavored soju(neutral spirit) with natural and artificial flavors.

    In stock (14)

  • Soonhari Peach Soju 375ml

    Soonhari Peach Soju is a clear colorless distilled spirit native to Korea, made from rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes or tapioca and infused with Peach flavor. It offers a light sweet, crisp and clean taste with a cool finish. Its special advantages are a lower calorie profile and a lower proof…

    In stock (5)

  • Soonhari Strawberry Soju 375ml

    Soju is a very popular spirit in Korea made from rice. Chum Churum is more popular because of the added water, which makes it easier to drink. It's moderate alcohol content makes it pleasing as an aperitif, or served in a cocktail instead of gin or vodka.

    In stock (16)
