
164 products
  • Stefan Nemanja Rakija OD Kruske Viljamovka Pear Williams Brandy 1L

    Premium fruit brandy, created from selected Viljamovka pear fruits aged in stainless steel, has a crystal clear color. The smell and taste are intensely fruity and balanced with dominant aromas of pear, preserved thanks to production according to a traditional recipe.

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  • Stefan Nemanja Rakija OD Sljive Sljivovica Plum Brandy 1L

    Premium brandy created from the highest quality Ranka and Požegača plums, has a beautiful chestnut color. The smell and taste are typical for this type of brandy, dominated by plum aromas permeated with vanilla tones thanks to the oak barrels in which it was aged.

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  • Stella Rosa Butter Toffee Brandy 750ml

    Indulge in decadence with Stella Rosa Butter Toffee Brandy - a 750ml bottle of rich, creamy goodness and luxurious flavor. Crafted with care and infused with the essence of buttery toffee, this brandy promises a taste sensation like no other. Perfect for savoring on cozy evenings or sharing with loved…

    In stock (3)

  • Stella Rosa Honey Peach Brandy 750ml

    Made with juicy ripe peaches and sweet honey, Stella Rosa® Honey Peach Brandy is sweet, fun, and just the thing for playful palates.

    In stock (23)

  • Stella Rosa Smooth Black Berry Brandy 750ml

    Stella Rosa Brandy is produced in the rolling foothills of Northern Italy, born from the same region as Stella Rosa Wines. Stella Rosa Smooth Black Brandy young and fresh white grape varietals are harvested at the peak of ripeness and fermented in cooling tanks to capture all of the fruit’s…

    In stock (7)

  • Stella Rosa Tropical Passion Brandy 750ml

    Imported Brandy from Northern Italy (Piedmont). The bridge from American brandy to Cognac. Crafted in small batches with natural flavors. Family-owned for 105 years. Serve on the rocks or in a delicious cocktail.

    In stock (16)

  • Stock 84 Brandy 750ml

    Stock 84 is found behind almost every Italian bar for good reason: It's a well-priced brandy that's mellow and smooth.

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  • Stock 84 Riserva Brandy 1.75L

    Stock 84 is known for its smooth and mellow flavor. It has a soft aroma with a very faint fruitiness. This brandy is made exclusively from the trebbiano grape.Brandy is a spirit made by distilling grapes to a higher proof than they achieve as wine. Most brandy is made from…

    In stock (27)

  • Takovo Dunja Quince Brandy 750ml

    In stock (24)

  • Takovo Kajsija Apricot Brandy 750ml

    In stock (19)

  • Takovo Prirodna Prepecenica Plum Brandy 1L

    In stock (15)

  • Takovo Sljvovica Plum Brandy 750ml

    In stock (17)

  • Takovo Viljamovka Pear Brandy 750ml

    In stock (18)

  • Terry Centenario Brandy 700ml

    Our most iconic spirit and #1 best-selling in Spain within its category. Its solera was created in 1925. Its organoleptic characteristics make it the best ally for coffee, giving it a sweet and intense sparkle.

    In stock (7)

  • Tikves Lozova Rakija (Yellow) Brandy 1L

    From the makers: Throughout the centuries, we have learned to caringly grow vines… We lovingly separate from wines and create an ideal base for the famous Tikveš grape brandy… Always appreciated and wanted everywhere, aged in oak barrels under special conditions, we recommend this grape brandy as Macedonia’s most famous…

    In stock (108)
