
65 products
  • Meukow Vanilla Cognac 750ml

    Meukow Vanilla is the subtle blend of Cognac Meukow and vanilla aromas. The aromas harmony shows the perfect balance in between the cognac, long and delicate, and the vanilla, silky and powerful, offering a new sensation to be enjoyed on the rocks or as a cocktail. Limit 6 per Order

    In stock (46)

  • Meukow VS Cognac 750ml

    Meukow VS is characterized by its well-balanced blend between the roundness of its fruity notes and the delicacy of its woody nuances. Shining gold with copper tints. Fruity and spicy, notes of almond, candied orange and licorice. Spicy with notes of licorice and nutmeg. Limit 6 per Order

    In stock (13)

  • Monfleurie Cognac Grand Champagne 750ml

    Signature Monfleurie crystal hand-blown carafe with individually engraved number. 24ct Gold applied details. Piano-lacquered hand-made presentation box. The precious liquid at the core of Monfleurie Edition L’Orchidee originates from a 1960 Grande Champagne vintage, and over the past six decades it has developed a wonderful rich floral character. Jean-Marc Olivier…

    In stock (1)

  • Prunier VS Cognac 750ml

    In stock (2)

  • Rare Hare Lapine 60Yr Petite Champagne Cognac 750ml

    Rare Hare Lapine Cognac Petite Champagne was aged for 60 Years before being bottled at 81.8 Proof (40.9% ABV). Rare Hare is a curator of rare and exceptional spirits, sourcing from across the globe. Guided by our heritage, we pride ourselves on being a lifestyle brand rooted in the core…

    In stock (1)

  • Remy Martin 1738 Cognac 375ml

    Rémy Martin Accord Royal 1738 is a smooth and well-balanced cognac from the prestigious vineyards of Cognac - Petite and Grande Champagne.  An authentic cognac, deeply rooted in the terroir and tradition, it is aged in toasted French oak casks revealing a round and mellow body with oaky notes of…

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  • Remy Martin 1738 Cognac 750ml

    Rémy Martin Accord Royal 1738 is a smooth and well-balanced cognac from the prestigious vineyards of Cognac - Petite and Grande Champagne.  An authentic cognac, deeply rooted in the terroir and tradition, it is aged in toasted French oak casks revealing a round and mellow body with oaky notes of…

    In stock (27)

  • Remy Martin Louis XIII Cognac 750ml

    Think a century ahead. Each decanter is the life achievement of generations of cellar masters. Since the origins in 1874, each generation of Cellar Master selects in our cellars the oldest and most precious eaux-de-vie for LOUIS XIII. Today, Cellar Master Baptiste Loiseau is setting aside our finest eaux-de-vie, as…

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  • Remy Martin V Cognac 375ml

    Born in legendary French vineyards, Rémy Martin V is a sophisticated white spirit. Distilled twice to preserve its bold character, it reveals fresh aromas with hints of grapes, pears, and a uniquely smooth finish. Rémy Martin V is fresh and smooth on the rocks. Mixed, it reveals the soul of…

    In stock (1)

  • Remy Martin V Cognac 750ml

    Born in legendary French vineyards, Rémy Martin V is a sophisticated white spirit. Distilled twice to preserve its bold character, it reveals fresh aromas with hints of grapes, pears, and a uniquely smooth finish. Rémy Martin V is fresh and smooth on the rocks. Mixed, it reveals the soul of…

    In stock (2)

  • Remy Martin VSOP Cognac 200ml

    Rémy Martin V.S.O.P is a blend from the prestigious vineyards of Cognac - Petite and Grande Champagne. Twice the age of a standard VS, this gold color and versatile  cognac embodies the perfect harmony of powerful and elegant aromas.  It is well-balanced and multi-layered with notes of vanilla, stone fruit,…

    In stock (38)

  • Remy Martin VSOP Cognac 375ml

    Rémy Martin V.S.O.P is a blend from the prestigious vineyards of Cognac - Petite and Grande Champagne. Twice the age of a standard VS, this gold color and versatile cognac embodies the perfect harmony of powerful and elegant aromas. It is well-balanced and multi-layered with notes of vanilla, stone fruit,…

    In stock (20)

  • Remy Martin VSOP Cognac 50ml

    Rémy Martin V.S.O.P is a blend from the prestigious vineyards of Cognac - Petite and Grande Champagne. Twice the age of a standard VS, this gold color and versatile  cognac embodies the perfect harmony of powerful and elegant aromas.  It is well-balanced and multi-layered with notes of vanilla, stone fruit,…

    In stock (7)

  • Remy Martin VSOP Cognac 750ml

    Rémy Martin V.S.O.P is a blend from the prestigious vineyards of Cognac - Petite and Grande Champagne. Twice the age of a standard VS, this gold color and versatile  cognac embodies the perfect harmony of powerful and elegant aromas.  It is well-balanced and multi-layered with notes of vanilla, stone fruit,…

    In stock (55)

  • Remy Martin VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac 1.75L

    Rémy Martin V.S.O.P is a well-balanced and multi-layered cognac with notes of vanilla, stone fruit and licorice. It is a blend from the most sought-after vineyards in the heart of the Cognac region of France - Petite and Grande Champagne. Rémy Martin is the only major cognac house specializing exclusively…

    In stock (7)
